Our Story • Where It All Began
Many many years ago, in the BC era {Before Children}, I graduated High School with several strong interests, but no clear career choice. I went through two years of college and finally chose my path - I was going to be a teacher. I didn't know if I'd do it forever; I didn't know if I'd be any good at it! But I was going to do it. Besides, it was a way to take all the things I was interested in and use them in some way or another.
In 2012, after 10 years in the teaching profession, I had my first baby girl, Kate Elisabeth. We call her KatieBean. Man, did she change my world! I always thought I'd have to be a working mom. So many women do it! But going back to work with a 4 month old baby completely broke my heart. In October 2014, my second baby girl hit the scene. Emma Leigh is just as beautiful and special as her big sis. Finally, our only baby boy, Joshua Jr., arrived in April 2016 to round out our little family of 5.
Fast forward to 2014, after my Emma was born, I took a leap and opened this shop. My hope was that my little shop, Emma & the Bean, could help make it so this momma can stay at home just a little while longer. So far, it has been an amazing journey!